To find out all the foods available through your WIC benefits, select your state below. Some of the foods available through the WIC program include eggs, cheese, infant and adult cereal, fruits and vegetables, canned fish, peanut butter and canned beans and peas and more. Special infant formulas and medical foods may be available when prescribed by a physician for specific medical needs and conditions.

For women who do not breastfeed fully, WIC provides iron-fortified infant formula. WIC believes and promotes breastfeeding as an optimal source of nutrition for infants. Also, instead of having to visit your local WIC clinic each month for new checks our vouchers, your eWIC card will automatically be refilled electronically. From there, the POS system would deduct the amount from your current WIC balance. Instead of using the checks or vouchers at checkout, you would hand the cashier your WIC EBT Card and they would swipe it like a normal debit or credit card. This replaces the paper checks and vouchers with a WIC EBT (Electronic benefit transfer) Card. In some states they have rolled out the new eWIC system. Offers coupons that participants in the WIC program can use to purchase locally grown fruits and vegetables at participating farmers markets and roadside stands Promotes the purchase of local produce by working with local farmers and Provides nutrition education to WIC participants. The foods specified are designed to supplement your diet with specific nutrients that benefits you and your child's needs. Each month you would go down to a WIC clinic nearby and they would issue the checks or vouchers. WIC provides foods to supplement the diets of pregnant & breastfeeding women, and infants & children under 5 years of age.In most cases, if you are receiving WIC benefits in your state, you are given WIC checks or vouchers that allow you to purchase WIC approved foods at your local grocery store. Special infant formulas and certain medical foods may also be provided when prescribed by a physician or health professional for a specified medical condition. Milk, eggs, cheese, peanut butter, dry and canned beans, canned tuna and salmon.Fresh, frozen and canned fruits & vegetables ( view Produce Clarifications list, PDF).Baby food fruits and vegetables and meats.At least 50% of the authorized cereals are whole grain. Adult cereals, fortified with iron and folic acid.Which brands are eligible? Oregon WIC has authorized specific brands of:

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